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July 14, 2014
You surely have heard of the many important health benefits of hydrotherapy. It is very well known as a safe, natural, and inexpensive cure for many pains and ailments. Hydrotherapy can help replenish lost water, as well as cleanse and detoxify the body. In fact, it is so beneficial that medical experts recommend it for…
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It is no secret that as we age, simple tasks can become much more difficult and hazardous.  Take bathing, for example.  While bathrooms can be dangerous at any age, a young person can usually navigate the side of a bathtub with ease.  As we age, though, our balance can become less steady, and our legs…
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Independent Home

We’re here to help you experience a safe, enjoyable bathing experience by alleviating the stress and heartache associated with reduced mobility.   Our walk-in tubs can get you back to living independently and comfortably while allowing you to stay in your home longer.

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