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Walk-In Showers: Why a Walk-In Shower May Be Right For Your Home

A standard shower has a small lip at the edge that the person using it has to step over to enter and exit the shower. While this may not even be noticeable for most people, it can still be a hazard. A walk-in shower eliminates the risk of tripping and falling over this lip so those with limited mobility, children, and everyone else can feel safer when entering or exiting the shower.

Who Benefits from Walk-in Showers?

Anyone can enjoy the benefits of adding a walk-in shower to their home. The individuals that benefit most are those with a handicap, the elderly, and children because they are the most vulnerable to slips and falls due to the lip on the shower. Parents and caretakers benefit from the peace of mind that comes with knowing their charges are safer while they’re bathing independently. Also, the non-slip floor, molded seat, and spa quality shower head give anyone that uses a walk-in shower the feeling of bathing in luxury.
Is it Difficult to Make the Switch?

Deciding to replace your standard shower with a walk-in shower may simply be a question of remodeling and how much of a hassle it may be. There are easy ways to make sure your new shower will fit into the old space and modify it if it won’t. It is not usually necessary to carve out a whole new space as a no lip shower is similar in size and shape to most standard showers.
Create a New Style in Your Home

Many different kinds of decorative styles use a “wet room” or no lip shower in the bathroom instead of a standard shower. The room or section is a flat surface with a drain where individuals can shower and let the steam build up to get the full effect and benefit of its properties, similar to a steam room. Walk-in showers give a similar style to your bathroom without having to dedicate an entire room or section to the idea. Simply install the new shower where the old one was and you have a whole new style to your bathroom reminiscent of the trendiest home décor.
Enjoy Freedom!

The main reason to install a walk-in shower in your home is to enjoy the freedom of stepping into and out of the shower without worry of incurring injury. Anyone bound to a wheelchair can roll right up to the seat in the shower and slide over. Those with limited mobility or chronic conditions that make standing for long periods difficult can enjoy a shower sitting down in the molded seat and the safety of the non-slip floor. Children can learn to bathe independently and safely and senior citizens can gain back some of their dignity and independence in bathing. Visit the Independent Home website or call for a free quote and to learn about how you can make the switch and enjoy your freedom with a walk-in shower today!

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